Add this twist to the panoply of websites that promise to fill the holes in your love life: Sites that are aimed at married men who want to add wives, and single women who’d be happy sharing a spouse.把这新的玩意重新加入到许诺老大你挣脱感情生活困境的网站珍藏吧:它们是两个面向期望找寻更加多妻子的未婚男性,以及不愿与他人共享丈夫的单身女性的网站。Certain that there were plenty of people in the world who’d be interested in such a service — and willing to pay for it — Azad Chaiwala, a 33-year-old British entrepreneur of Pakistani origin, created what he said were the world’s first matchmaking sites for aspiring polygamists.世界上有很多人对这样的服务感兴趣,并不愿为其收费。33岁的阿扎德沙瓦拉(Azad Chaiwala)是一名巴基斯坦裔英国企业家,他创建了自称为是世界上第一个为一夫多妻者服务的交友网站。
He started, aimed specifically at Muslims, in late 2014, followed by, which is open to anyone, this year.2014年底,他创建了服务于穆斯林群体的。今年,他又创建了针对所有人的。The sites now have tens of thousands of members, Mr. Chaiwala said. Most registered users are in Britain or the United States, even though bigamy is a crime in both countries. But some members log in from India, Pakistan, or other countries in Asia or Africa where it can be legal.沙瓦拉回应,这两个网站现在有上万的用户。
其中绝大多数的登记用户来自英国和美国,虽然通奸在这两个国家都是犯罪行为。还有一些用户来自印度、巴基斯坦等一些亚非国家,在这些地方,一夫多妻是合法的。While he has no way to know how many polygamous marriages his sites may have facilitated, Mr. Chaiwala said he had received more than 100 letters from users thanking him for guiding them toward multiple-marital bliss.不过,他的网站促使了多少通奸不道德,就不得而知了。
沙瓦拉称之为,他早已接到了多达100封来自用户的感谢信,感激他提示他们享用了一夫多妻的愉悦。Mr. Chaiwala speaks of his sites with an evangelist’s fervor, hoping to spread the idea that polygamy offers a pro-family antidote to promiscuity, prostitution, divorce and broken homes. He dismisses those who criticize polygamy as anachronistic, saying it is better than adultery or one-night stands facilitated by apps like Tinder.想起他的网站,沙瓦拉有种宣教者的热情。他期望告诉他更加多人,一夫多妻为家庭优先主义者获取了一种自由选择,以防止放纵、性交易、再婚以及家庭碎裂的情况。有些人抨击一夫多妻是不被当今社会拒绝接受的时代遗毒,沙瓦拉却不这么指出;在他显然,一夫多妻比Tinder这样的社交应用于促成的通奸或是一夜情要好。
“I am saying, ‘Marry two or three, and be loyal to them,’ ” he said.“我的意思是,‘和两三个女人成婚,然后对婚姻忠心。’”他说道。Creating a profile on either site is free, but to browse profile photos, you need to upgrade to a paid membership of $20 a month or $45 for three months.尽管用户注册这两个网站是免费的,但如果你想要看查阅其它用户的照片,就必须升级账户,缴每个月20美元的会员费,或者45美元三个月。
Three-quarters of the users on are men, Mr. Chaiwala said, but most of the profiles on are posted by women. He guesses that many women don’t want the obligation of a full-time husband, or consider it a plus that a man is already married.沙瓦拉回应,四分之三的Secondwife.com用户是男性,Polygamy.com的大多数用户是女性。对于这种差异,他猜测是因为对许多女性来说,她们并不需要一个尽全职义务的丈夫,或者她们指出未婚的男人更佳。“If they are capable of taking care of one wife, perhaps they are capable of taking care of me,” Mr. Chaiwala said, speculating on what women might be thinking.“如果那些未婚男人能照料好一个妻子,他们应当也能照料好我。”在分析女性用户的心理时,沙瓦拉如是说。
One thing the sites are not intended to do is to help women seek out multiple husbands — a practice known as polyandry. This is not because Mr. Chaiwala opposes the idea, he said, but because it is “not a viable business proposition.”然而这些网站并不计划协助女性用户找寻多个丈夫——也就是一妻多夫。沙瓦拉先生说明道,并不是他赞成这个观念,而是因为这“不是一桩不切实际的交易”。